Whilst the FAQ on this page are geared towards new cadets joining us, much of the information is equally useful for more senior cadets. To let us know something is missing, please contact us.

+ Safeguarding

+ What is in place to ensure the safety of cadets?

The RAF Air Cadets has a number of measures in place to ensure the safeguarding of cadets at all times, including:

  • enhanced criminal records checks and security checks for staff and staff cadets
  • robust safeguarding and child protection policies
  • initial and refresher training on the RAF Air Cadets safeguarding policies and procedurss
  • designated safeguarding staff at all levels of the Organisation

Comprehensive information on the RAF Air Cadets' commitment to safeguarding is available in this Parent / Carer Guide.

+ How do I report safeguarding concerns?

In the first instance, parents should report safeguarding concerns to the Squadron Commander, although there are other personnel who can be contacted as detailed in the Parent / Carer Guide.

+ Health & Safety

+ How are cadets kept safe on activties?

Comprehensive risk assessments are conducted surrounding all cadet activity. Events are planned and run by trained and competent personnel with all due consideration to the safety of cadets and staff at all times. The RAF Air Cadets' Health, Safety & Environment policy provides direction and guidance on the planning and execution of all cadet activity.

+ What about activities like shooting, flying and adventure training?

Whilst some cadet activities have the potential to be more dangerous than others, such risk is always minimised to as low as reasonably practicable. Shooting, flying and adventure training activties are ran by suitably qualified and experienced members of staff who are required to maintain currency in their particular field.

+ Payments and money

+ How much does it cost?

Cadets pay monthly subscriptions of £15 by direct debit. The initial payment (due in the second full month) is £45, which covers:

  • the first two months' subscriptions
  • a Squadron branded t-shirt

Direct debits are collected by GoCardless and e-mails to set up will be sent out via GovNotify from hawarden.air.cadets@notifications.service.gov.uk

+ What about uniform?

The blue uniform is provide free-on-loan from the RAF with the exception of shoes. The green uniform is not provided and individuals are responsible for sourcing their own.

We hold a limited stock of footwear at the Squadron in varying condition and are able to order new shoes from RAF stores at cost price. All footwear is subject to payment (new shoes approx £36; used from £10-20 depending on condition) although we will buy back footwear in a reasonable state of repair on outgrowing footwear or when cadets leave the Organisation.

With regard to green uniform items, we hold a limited supply of this at the Squadron which is issued on a 'if we have it, you can take it' basis. Where this is not possible we are able to provide guidance on sourcing it privately.

+ Will I have to start paying straightaway?

There is no payment obligation for the first month, whilst new starters decide whether the RAF Air Cadets is for them. The inital payment is due during the second full month - for example, the initial payment for cadets joining at the end of September will be due at the start of December.

We also advise that there is no immediate need for new cadets to purchase the green uniform as this will generally not be required until after they complete Recruit Training.

+ Are there any other costs?

Whilst the majority of cadet activity is funded centrally by the RAF Air Cadets or the RAF, some costs must be met by the individual cadet. Such costs include:

  • UK camps (approx £60 for a weeklong UK camp)
  • overseas camps (ranging from £300 to £1000)
  • messing (food) at day-long or residential events
  • entry and hire at commercial facilities (eg climbing centres) where this is not funded by the Squadron
  • registration for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award - although this can be refunded on successful completion of the Award

This list is not exhaustive and any costs for activties will be advertised during the event sign-up process. It is important to note that comprehensive financial support is available as detailed in the next FAQ.

+ What financial support is available?

As a Squadron, we do not allow cadets to miss out on any aspect of being an air cadet on the grounds of financial situation. We have non-public money raised through subscriptions and fundraising available to support the Squadron and its cadets, whether that be by maintaining our minibuses or supporting individuals.

We can provide support by:

  • subsidising or fully-funding aspects of cadet activity which are not centrally funded as mentioned in the previous FAQ and beyond
  • providing funding for footwear, green uniform and Squadron-branded items of clothing
  • waiving initial and monthly subscriptions

Support is provided on a case-by-case basis on discussion between staff and the Civilian Committee. Parents simply need to speak with a member of staff to request this support.

+ Uniform and clothing

+ What should new cadets wear for their first night?

For the first night, new cadets should wear appropriate clothing for outdoor physical activity: for example tracksuit bottoms and trainers with due consideration for the weather.

+ Where do cadets get uniform from?

New cadets will be measured for their blue uniforms during their induction evening: this will be issued later in their training. They will be issued with olive green coveralls on their induction evening which they should wear during parade nights thereafter.

+ When will cadets start wearing uniform?

New cadets will be issued with their first item of uniform - olive green coveralls - on their first night. The blue uniform will be issued sometime after their enrolment once we receive it from the RAF.

+ Attendance

+ When do cadets attend the Squadron?

Parade nights are Monday and Wednesday evenings. Cadets assemble for 6:45pm and leave at 9:30pm.

+ Do cadets need to attend both Mondays and Wednesdays?

During recruit training - the first months as a cadet - it is important to have regular attendance to ensure continuity of training. There is a great deal to fit into the inital training period and missing nights will mean missing that training which will need to be caught up on elsewhere.

+ I have other weekday commitments that clash - can I still join?

There are usually ways of working around other commitments: several cadets have sports clubs that clash in some way with parade nights. We can make arrangements on an individual basis, such as pre-agreed late attendance, or attending alternate weeks. Please note that this is difficult to achieve during the Recruit Training (initial) phase which is quite intensive and requires good attendance throughout.

+ What other commitment is expected?

There are often activties at weekends and during school holidays, including:

  • fundraising
  • sports
  • camps and courses

Generally, attendance at these is up to the individual cadet, although we expect a fair participation in things like fundraising which directly benefits the cadets or Service charities. We expect all Squadron personnel to parade on Remembrance Sunday other than in exceptional circumstances.

+ Key Milestones

+ What is the Enrolment Ceremony?

The Enrolment Ceremony is conducted at the end of a routine parade night. Usually, the new cadets will meet the Squadron Padre who will discuss the 'Cadet Promise' in detail ahead of the new cadets making their own Promise at the end of the night and as such becoming enrolled cadets of the Air Training Corps.

Parents / guardians are invited to attend the Squadron early, and this is usually where orders are places for parade shoes, as it marks a point at which new cadets will finish their initial training and remain as cadets.

+ What is the Cadet Promise?

New cadets make the following Promise during their enrolment:

"I hereby solemnly promise, on my honour, to service my Unit loyally and to be faithful to my obligations as a member of the Air Training Corps.

“I further promise to be a good citizen and to do my duty to God* and the King, my country and my flag”

The word God is optional and cadets may simply wish to omit this when making their own Promise.

+ What is the Passing-Out Parade?

The Passing-Out Parade formally welcomes the new cadets as 'full' memberes of the Air Training Corps at the culmination of their First Class Cadet training. They are considered trained at this point and are able to attend overnight residential activities outside of the Squadron.

The Parade itself is usually conducted during a normal parade night and involves the whole Squadron. Reviewed by a senior officer - usually the Wing Commander - it is a formal ceremonial event that showcases the new cadets' skills in drill, discipline and uniform care.

Whilst there is usually a cap on attendance due to space available at the Squadron, we generally permit four guests per cadet - with any spare slots allocated to those who need them on request.

+ Online Communication

+ Cadet Portal

Cadet Portal is the online hub for cadets. It provides access for cadets to:

  • view and update personal information
  • view information on and sign-up for events
  • access their online training record
  • notify us of absences
  • access the training programmme
  • view reference material
  • access welfare support information

Cadets will be provided with login details to the primary e-mail address used during the sign-up process. This is often a parent's email address which does sometimes cause access issues hence we request that - where possible - cadets own email addresses are used to set up accounts.

+ MyRAFAC app

The MyRAFAC app - available on iOS and Android - packages some features of Cadet Portal and allows cadets to:

  • view personal information
  • access their online training record
  • view information on and sign-up for events

It is also their MOD-approved digital ID used for gaining access to RAF stations and other military establishments. It is important that where possible cadets able to access MyRAFAC using their own smartphone, though arrangements can be made where this is not possible.

+ Discord

The Squadron Discord server uses a popular social communication tool - Discord - to permit communcation between current members of the Squadron - staff and cadets - n a secure non-public site. Designed with security and safeguarding at the forefront, the server is set up to:

  • allow communication between cadets
  • to ask questions and find out information
  • to receive announcements from Squadron staff
  • for last-minute opportunities that crop up from time-to-time

Cadets can request membership of the server - following creation of an account - by heading to discord.hawardenaircadets.org where they will be permitted access following a brief verification process.

+ Parents' Facebook Group

We also have a Facebook group for current parents / guardians - primarily for communication to and from the Squadron's Civilian Committee regarding meetings and fundraising. It is also a forum for parents to communicate with each other and the Squadron.

Current parents / guardians of cadets can request membership by heading to the group at this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1009088382539890